5 Fun Parenting Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

by the Brightly Editors

From the beauty of becoming a mom or dad to the challenges of childrearing, some parental experiences are simply universal. These sweet, funny, and oh-so-real animal facts from The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts, a charming illustrated book by Maja Säfström, prove that there are parenting lessons to be found among all species — humans, bees, and sharks alike.

1. It’s important to keep your loved ones close.
Sea otter parenting lesson

2. Parents have something in common with bees: You never sleep.
Bees parenting lesson

3. It takes a village to raise a child.
Badger parenting lesson

4. Every kid loves a good joke (or tickle).
Penguin parenting lesson

And even on the most exhausting and challenging days, it’s important to remember…

5. It could always be worse — you could always be a shark mom.
Shark parenting lesson

For more illustrated fun, check out Maja Säfström’s Instagram.

Have you come across any wild animal facts you haven’t been able to forget? Let us know in the comments below!

Images reprinted from The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts Copyright ©2016 by Maja Säfström. Published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of PenguinRandom House, LLC.