13 Read-Alouds to Help You Connect with Your Middle Schooler

by Kari Ness Riedel

As a parent of a middle schooler who spends more time Snapchatting with friends than reading, I’m always looking for ways to keep him interested in books and opportunities to connect with him via a shared experience. Reading aloud with him is a simple and sweet way to accomplish both of these things.

Our book choices can range from simple picture books or poems that can be read in one sitting to longer books that may take a month to complete. I look for page-turners that also spark conversations about real emotions, historical or current events, and tough moral choices.

I asked middle school kids and teachers for a list of their favorite read-alouds. Here are some of the top picks that I can’t wait to share with my young reader.

What books have helped you connect with your middle schooler?