9 Books About Kindness for Tweens

by Jennifer Garry

Photo credit: Klaus Vedfelt, DigitalVision/Getty Images

Teaching my kids kindness and empathy is one of the most important jobs I have as a parent. Smart and well-behaved are great qualities, but what I really hope to do is raise kind, caring humans.

When kids get to that oh-so-tricky tween age, it can be a little bit harder to get that point across. You can model it, but this is the age where they are less interested in what you think is a good idea and more interested in figuring it out for themselves. Sharing stories that feature kids their age modeling or encountering kindness is a great way to sneak lessons in there — kind of like slipping veggies into their brownies when they were toddlers.

These nine books are a great place to start with 9- to 12-year-olds.