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Positive Discipline for Teenagers, Revised 2nd Edition

Positive Discipline for Teenagers, Revised 2nd Edition

Empowering Your Teens and Yourself Through Kind and Firm Parenting


Positive Discipline for Teenagers, Revised 2nd Edition

About the Book

Positive Parenting for Those Important Teen Years
Adolescence is often a time of great stress and turmoil—not only for kids going through it, but for you, their parents as well. During the teen years, kids aggressively begin to explore a new sense of freedom, which often leads to feelings of resentment and powerlessness for parents who increasingly are excluded from their children's lives. This revised edition of Positive Discipline for Teenagers shows you how to break the destructive cycle of guilt and blame and work toward greater understanding and communication with your adolescents. Inside, you'll:
·Find out how to encourage your teen and yourself
·Grow to understand how your teen still needs you, but in different ways
·Learn how to get to know who your teen really is
·Discover how to develop sound judgment without being judgmental
·Learn how to use follow-through—the only surefire way to get chores done
Over the years, millions of parents have come to trust the classic Positive Discipline series for its consistent, commmonsense approach to child rearing. Inside, you'll discover proven, effective methods for working with your teens.
Over 1 million Positive Discipline books sold!
"I highly recommend this book to parents, teachers, and all others who work with young people. It is one of the best books I have seen on helping adults and adolescents turn their conflict into friendship. Remarkably, it shows how to accomplish this while helping young people develop courage, confidence, responsibility, cooperation, self-respect, and trust. I urge you to read it." —H. Stephen Glenn, Ph.D., coauthor of Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World.

Product Details

On sale: December 29, 2010
Page count: 368 Pages
ISBN: 9780307758958

Author Bio

Jane Nelsen, Ed.D., coauthor of the bestselling Positive Discipline series, is a licensed marriage, family, and child therapist. Her books have sold over a million copies. She lives in Salt Lake City.

Lynn Lott, M.F.C.C., is the author and co-author of over a dozen books, including Positive Discipline A-Z and Positive Discipline for Teenagers. A popular speaker and therapist in Northern California, she has appeared on the Today show and other national broadcasts. She is the mother of two children and the stepmother of two more.


Positive Parenting for Those Important Teen Years