Bookshelf Must-Have:

by the Brightly Editors

Illustration: popmarleo, iStock

We’re thrilled to be kicking off a new year of Bookshelf Must-Have selections with this stunning picture book from children’s literature powerhouses Matt de la Peña and Loren Long. A beautiful rumination on our most binding emotion, Love is a book that will stay with readers for years to come.

  • Why You'll Want: Love

  • Love

    by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Loren Long

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    We may know what love feels like, but try to convey that feeling to another person, to describe this multifaceted, rich, and complicated emotion in words, and it's easy to come up short. Which is what makes Love all the more remarkable. Matt de la Peña and Loren Long have somehow found a way to express — through words and imagery that evoke real feeling — what it means to love and be loved in this world. And it's just as beautiful and thoughtful, hopeful and heartbreaking as you'd expect. Love is your parents standing at the foot of your bed, the echo of laughter, the smell of crashing waves. It's there in the toast left out for the children for breakfast, in the sounds of a street musician, in the way a family protects one another when times are hard. De la Peña's poetic words and Long's stirring images show us that love is wider, deeper, and more all-encompassing than we may have ever conceived; it comes from within and exists everywhere. Love is an essential read for all ages, one we think you'll love sharing with your loved ones.

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