An Illustrated Guide to the Best Places to Read with Children

by Elisha Cooper

When my daughters were young, we read all over the city. There were so many great places to read. We read in cafés, we read at the library, we read at our local bookstore (behind a stand of books; I could only see the girls’ feet).

We read comic books in the park, and Newbery Honor books on the subway. And, of course, when we got home we read on our couch. Wherever we were, we read.

My daughters are older now, and read without me, but I hope that the places where we used to read, and the books we read there, will stay with them.

Cafés are sweet places to read: hot chocolate, cortados, and — if it’s a good café — wide windows through which to watch passing pedestrians.
Cafe watercolor


Three Lives & Company, a beautiful bookstore in the Village, is the perfect place to browse for books.
Bookstore watercolor


The librarian at our local library gives my daughters excellent book recommendations, and sometimes forgives their fines.
Library watercolor


Sitting in the park with a good book on a spring day is one of life’s great joys.
Park watercolor


When reading on the train or the subway, one’s stop always seems to come too soon.
Subway watercolor


And, of course, home
Home may be the best place of all to read. Two words: cats, pajamas.
Home watercolor


What are some of your favorite places to read with your kids? Let us know in the comments below.