Dude, That’s Rude!
And 12 Other Respectable Manners Books for Kids and Teens

by Liz Lesnick

Photo credit: Sonya Hurtado, Taxi Collection/ Getty Images

There’s an old song that goes, “I’m old-fashioned, and I don’t mind it.” I’m proudly old-fashioned when it comes to manners. My daughter is required to write thank you notes (despite her grandmother’s assurance that she doesn’t need to). We don’t start eating dinner until everyone has been served. We wait for people to exit the elevator or the subway car before boarding.

Sometimes it can feel like an uphill battle, especially when you live in go-go, get-ahead Gotham.

So what’s a well-mannered, well-meaning mom or dad to do? Turn to a book, of course. Here are a few of our family’s favorite manners books.

*Trivia Time: If you’re curious about the origins of the expression, “Mind your Ps and Qs,” check out this article from the Oxford Dictionaries blog.