8 Picture Books To Help Kids Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin

by Janssen Bradshaw

Photo credit: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images

Is there anything better than a child that is unapologetically herself?

As a parent, one of my goals is to help my children all feel like they have the space and security to feel comfortable being themselves, whatever that looks like. Whether it’s encouraging them to embrace their own interests (even if they aren’t popular among their peers), helping them try out things they aren’t good at yet, or teaching them to accept the ways in which they are unique, I want my children to know that I love them unconditionally for exactly who they are.

Of course, in true librarian fashion, one of my favorite ways to open up those conversations is with a stack of picture books. These titles are perfect for helping kids feel comfortable with who they are and also having discussions about children in their school, neighborhood, or sports who are unique.